Whenever I go into a bookstore, the first place that I go is to the romance novels. I pick up the books and look at them and read the plot synopsis and then I put the book down. The second place I go is the science fiction and browse through to see if there is anything worth reading there and then I go to the self-help books....More specifically the health and wellness section. I like to see what books are out there. The thing about going into the self-help section is knowing that I am causing wrinkles on my forehead by the contortion upon my face. There are so many confusing things in that part. Most of my confusion is seeing so many books by skinny people that have always been skinny. Lose weight with me!!! This is the message that I get from reading the synopsis of their books. Then there a the books that tell you how to be skinny from former models.....hahahaha.....That is laughable. Every model that I have ever known is a closet smoker and tends to have some unhealthy eating problem because of their schedule and evil women like Janice Dickson (or whatever her name is) that wants the world to know what she thinks of fat women in couture. People do not have to answer to other people for the way that they look! I am certain that people know their own problem areas without someone pointing them out to them. The only reason that anyone should have to worry about how much they weigh is because of the problems that can come from abusing your body in such a manner!! If you decide to pick up a book from the self-help section, be sure to take your time. Look over the book and make sure that it is something that you can comprehend and something that you will be able to follow if it some type of diet or exercise regimen that you are going to try to follow. Don't be afraid to pick the book up and read a chapter or two, just make sure that it is something that you really want and not something that someone else has tried and that they say would work great for you. As much as you would like to follow in your friend's footsteps that lost 50 or more pounds, what she tried might not work for you, so find something that does. And don't be overwhelmed by the book selection, make sure that if you do go to the bookstore to check it out that you make a good open window in your day for the shopping so that you don't feel rushed. Another good way to choose something is to go onto online booksellers or websites dedicated to the books. Sometimes they will have ratings and clips out of the book that you can read and get familiar with. You could even pick up the book online instead of going to the bookstore to get it. There is a lot of helpful data out there for people looking to change their habits, look for it and you will find it.
Happy Blogging.
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